Thursday, October 17, 2013

Welcome to the Safe Coast

O.k., I was half expecting white smoke to come out from the roof of the capital’s rotunda – and for some neo-fascist in red socks and golden shoes to proclaim: HABEMUS BUDGET ET DEBT CEILING!!!  Apparently the Repubes still haven’t learned how to put on a good (i.e., medieval) show.  They got nothing on those child molesting bishops in Rome. Who’s a terrorist?

If you watched the budget and debt ceiling vote last night you got a little taste of our tea-party future; the stenographer completely lost it and she started ranting about the devil, Free Masons, mocking God… more detail including a video (who needs a stenographer in the 21st century?) is available here.  Of course, leave it to Far Out Xenophobics (that would be FOX news) and Tea Drinkers to distort reality and suggest this was an infringement of religious liberty (hard to believe, so here’s more of their nonsense). Yes, bow down and submit to the ranting of an insane person. Then again, this caucus always begins with a sing along of a Christian Hymn: “Amazing Grace.” The ironies are too many to list, but to the insane readers I suggest that they recall the benefits of separation between Church and State.  Conservatives?  My ass. These people are radical reactionary goons.  Can't you imagine Sunday School with them and their rattle snakes, their cool-aid (because you can’t have wine in the communion cup anywhere West of 90310), writhing about on the ground and ranting (or as they call it, "talkin' in ta-uhn-gues"). If not, just watch C-Span: it's how holy-rollers perform congress (and other nasties).

And speaking of things that should be exterminated: If only there were something that could truly rid the world of their existence.  We had some ants this morning in the bathroom near our bedroom.  That’s right: the ants are back and they were crawling out of the wall near the shower – and then wandering about on the floor.  I sprayed, wiped, etc., and then sprayed and left them as I didn’t want to wipe up the spray – so that more wouldn't come out of the wall area.  Who knows, they might come out again?  It's a sign of things to come.  I won’t exaggerate: there were maybe 50 ants total.  Not the biggest swarm in the world, not the flying ants… But please, someone call Damon the Ant Exorcist!  

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